Community & Giving Thanks

Purposeful Energy

Being a local and small business owner, we are so grateful for you. You believe in what we do, and you provide us with the meaningful support to flourish and share our love for the fibre arts within our fibre community. We want to transfer that purposeful and wholesome energy to causes we believe in and that's why donating to not-for-profit organizations is so important to us, and will always remain a priority.

What are we doing to keep this energy flowing?

1. We have an annual goal to have at least 2 dedicated limited collections where 15% of gross sales are donated to a carefully selected charity.

2. We do not participate in popular sales events (ex. Boxing Day, year end sales, etc.). In lieu of the fast shopping experiences that evoke and capitalize on the sense of impulse or FOMO, we encourage everyone to shop slowly and will donate 15% of gross sales during these events.

3. Ad-hoc donations of sales on an unscheduled basis.

Accountability and Transparency

Your trust in us is something we cherish and do not hold lightly. We know you want us to uphold what we are saying with action. That's why we communicate our donations through our Stories on Instagram (@novemberkin.yarns) with the amount that was donated via an official receipt. Below is also a list of organizations we have donated sales to.


  1. Children's Cottage (local) - January 2023
  2. Alliance Anti Trafic (international) - February 2023

If you have suggestions on how we can make this passion more impactful, please send us a message via email at


Thank you!